How to Get Your License Back After an Indefinite Suspension

Having a driver’s license is essential to most people’s daily lives. If you have had your license suspended indefinitely, getting it back can seem impossible. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to regain your driving privilege.

Duration and Types of Suspension

When your driver’s license is suspended, there are different timeframes for suspension, including:

  • Definite suspension: When your license gets suspended for a specific timeframe, it is known as a definite suspension. Once the time limit expires and the conditions of your suspension are satisfied, you can have your license reinstated.
  • Indefinite suspension: When your license is suspended indefinitely, there is no specific time frame for reinstatement. Instead, reinstatement requires compliance with specific conditions.

There are a variety of reasons you could have your license suspended indefinitely, such as:

  • Administrative suspension: The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) can suspend your license for a non-criminal offense. This can occur for failing to pay a traffic ticket or driving without insurance.
  • Criminal suspension: A court can suspend your license due to a criminal conviction. Criminal convictions that can result in an indefinite suspension include drug crime convictions.
  • Medical suspension: DPS can suspend your license due to a medical condition affecting your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.

Request a Hearing for Your License Suspension

If you’re facing an administrative driver’s license suspension, you can request a hearing before the suspension goes into effect. During this hearing, you or your attorney can present evidence as to why your license should not be suspended.

Additionally, if your license was already suspended, you can request a suspension hearing to contest your driver’s license suspension. You can also appeal a licensure suspension. To appeal your suspension, you should consider the following:

  • Understand the reason for your suspension: You should fully understand why Texas suspended your driver’s license. The reasons should be outlined in your paperwork or court orders.
  • Gather documentation: Depending on the reason for your suspension, you may need to gather documentation to support your request to remove the suspension. This may include medical records, proof of completion of court-ordered requirements, or other evidence that shows you are no longer a risk to public safety.
  • Request a hearing: You must request your suspension hearing within 15 days of receiving your Administrative License Revocation notice. You can request a hearing on the Texas DPS website.
  • Prepare for your hearing: Your hearing is an opportunity to present your case and argue why you should get your license back.
  • Attend the hearing: You may be asked questions about your case during the hearing, so you should prepare to answer questions truthfully and accurately.
  • Appeal the decision: If your license isn’t reinstated, you may have options to appeal the decision.

Working with an attorney with experience handling administrative driver’s license suspension cases in Texas can help get your license suspension reinstated.

How to Get Your License Back After an Indefinite Suspension

If your license is suspended indefinitely, you must take several steps to get it reinstated. The specific steps may depend on the reason for your suspension. Your specific conditions and fees are likely available online. Some common conditions that must be met before reinstatement can occur include the following:

  • Administrative suspension: If you received an administrative license suspension, you would generally need to pay any outstanding fines or fees. Additionally, you may need to provide proof of insurance.
  • Criminal suspension: If a court order suspended your license, you might need to complete any court-ordered requirements. These requirements may include attending drug and alcohol classes, paying fines, and completing community service.
  • Medical suspension: If you have an indefinite medical driver’s license suspension, you must provide evidence showing your medical condition no longer affects your ability to operate a vehicle safely.

Once you satisfy the conditions of your suspension, you can seek reinstatement.

Should You Retain an Attorney to Get Your License Reinstated?

You should contact an experienced attorney to help when your license is indefinitely suspended. An attorney can help by:

  • Evaluating the situation: An attorney can review the details of your license suspension and determine the best course of action. They can also determine where there are legal grounds to challenge the revocation.
  • Filing an appeal: If there are grounds to challenge your license suspension, an attorney can help you appeal it. The attorney can make a persuasive argument on your behalf during the appeal to get your license reinstated.
  • Helping ensure compliance: There are various conditions to getting a license reinstated. An attorney can help ensure you comply with all the conditions to get your license back.

If your license is suspended indefinitely, contact one of Rosenthal Kalabus & Therrian’s Collin County driver’s license suspension attorneys for help. We can review your case and discuss your options during a consultation. Call us today at (972) 369-0577 or contact us online.

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Written by: Rosenthal Kalabus & Therrian Last Updated : August 9, 2023